"A reduction of depression and anxiety is one of the most common
effects of microdosing."
---Dr James Fadiman

Microdosing helps underlying depression and anxiety – or rumination. Rumination is defined as the mental vortex for thoughts and emotions
spinning around and around. It is easy to get stuck inside your brain
and not see a way out.
What is the Default Mode Network also known as DMN. This is an area
of the brain known as the ego. This is where rumination of thoughts
Think of the DMN as the “Every day You” It’s how you tend to think,
feel, relate, and behave most of the time. By the time most of us are
35, our DMN is solidified and becomes difficult to change or disrupt,
which makes personal transformation feel almost impossible. By
turning down the volume of DMN through micro dosing of psychedelics
the rumination slowly stops. The mental clouds clear and you can begin
to see a way out of your struggles.
Micro dosing give you a neurological window to shift your thinking,
your coping behaviors, and emotional reactions. It’s an opportunity to
create healthy habits and feel more positive.
When you practice microdosing in the context of a structural system or
process with the other practices like breathwork, mediation, exercise,
whole food diet you can cultivate a new more mindful baseline.
DMN-Contain several interconnected areas in the brain. It is the brain
network of habits, thought patterns, and unconscious beliefs.
Micro dosing Benefits:
Elevate Mood
Reduce general and social anxiety
Eliminate symptoms of depression
Heightened focus and concentration
Increased creativity, openness and curiosity
Greater self-confidence and motivation
Improved mental and physical energy
More profound sense of connection and empathy
Sharpened mental clarity, memory and problem solving
Psychedelics free you from your limiting thought patterns and beliefs.
They can catalyze enormous personal growth
Micro dosing Downside
The need for the SKILL with the Pill
If you aren’t careful about how you use microdosing, psychedelics can be
equally disruptive:
They can enhance your work life OR Sabotage it
They can bring your greater insight and personal healing OR amplify anxiety
The pill with the skill—Its about a structured framework you create
around the microdosing that directs the benefits.